WeForming involves various aspects to drive innovation and collaboration with the focus on energy optimization through Intelligent Grid-Forming Buildings (iGFBs).
The project facilitates the integration of all the players across various sectors and geographical regions via standardized data interoperability and Advanced Building Management Systems.
The project promotes the creation of collaborative business models and policy recommendations through co-creation activities with both internal and external participants.
Optimized monitoring process for an efficient energy consumption
WeForming enhances energy usage effectiveness, reduces wastage, and saves costs. It facilitates proactive identification and addresses issues before they escalate, ensuring uninterrupted comfort and functionality for occupants.
*It includes the development of digital twins and advanced forecasting tools for realistic scenario testing.
Seamless communication and data exchange for a decentralized and secure interaction
It involves the integration between iGFBs and other energy stakeholders through widely accepted and standardized data formats. It leverages interoperable architectures, and a scalable middleware for service interoperability through harmonized data profiles.
WeForming facilitates smooth communication among all systems and tools, leading to a more user-friendly and efficient environment. It harnesses interoperable architectures through collaborative efforts aligned with Energy-Data-Space (EDS), International Data Space Association (IDSA), Interoperable European Grid Services Architecture (IEGSA) and FIWARE.
Development and validation of sustainable business models for the integration of iGFB solutions
These models ensure the economic viability for the entire energy ecosystem involved in the process with the engagement of end-users as a key focus. It employs co-creation methodologies to ensure that all stakeholders are actively involved in the discussion and decision-making processes.
WeForming leverages co-creation methodologies. This inclusive approach not only ensures that business models are tailored to meet the diverse needs, but also influences the creation of policies that support the widespread implementation of smart city initiatives.
Regulatory analysis, societal, and environmental considerations
This pillar addresses non-technical barriers and limitations for widespread deployment of the WeForming concept. The goal is to integrate iGFBs as modular units within smart cities, emphasizing environmentally friendly practices, circularity, and open-economy principles.
WeForming aims at the creation of a comprehensive regulatory blueprint and evidence-based policy recommendations. With the development of guidelines aligned with decarbonization goals where buildings can actively contribute to the energy system without unnecessary barriers.
WeForming proposes a dedicated Knowledge Sharing Hub where stakeholders address regulatory challenges and co-create the development and integration of innovative building solutions. Through participatory engagement and transdisciplinary research, the hub ensures that all voices are heard, fostering a sense of ownership.
It enables the co-creation of guidelines and recommendations tailored to their needs and be at the forefront of new implementations and business models.
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The WeForming project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 101123556.
The UK participant is co-funded by UKRI.
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